Today was pretty uneventful. Katie did wake up dry today!! The ride to work was very quiet because she never really woke up until we arrive to the school. Work was pretty uneventful and boring as well. I pretty much do one thing a day, and then sit around and wait for someone to ask me to do some task that takes 5 minutes. I am not really complaining because it is the good life but it does make the day go by so much slower.
The un-eventfulness stopped when I arrived at Katie's "school". I go to pick her up and she is sitting down having a snack. We are walking down the hall and I notice that for the 8th time her shoes are on the wrong feet and she wet her pants. This on top of her not having her coat on to play outside because and I quote, "you know how kids her age are, sometimes they just don't want to wear a coat." She is three years old, she doesn't get to decide whether she wants to wear a coat or not!! Just like when she hurt her fingers and I told you that she needed the bandage on all day and you told me, "She didn't feel like having it on" and then let her play in sand... I finally got sick of it and asked to talk to someone today. Everything this lady said to me was, "Well some kids..." Lady I'm not talking about some kids, I'm talking about mine, mine which I know a lot about and know her habits, don't try to tell me about some kids!! They aren't learning anything there but attitude and I feel those children are just like sheep, just herded here and there and not given any individual attention.
But I am going to put her two weeks notice in and Lesleigh is going to take care of her! She will hopefully take on one or two more kids including the one in my belly :) and then Katie will have playmates along with some personal attention, all for a lower price. Now you can't beat that. Having someone you trust and knows loves your daughter take care of her when you can't! I am so happy this happened or maybe we never would have figured this out!
That was pretty much my day. Now I am going to finish folding a little more laundry, give KateKate her tubby and cuddle with her in bed and watch some TV together. I really miss Chachi while he is on nights but I am really loving this mommy-daughter one on one time Katie and I have been having.
Oh I forgot the most important news of the day, my next ultrasound is Tuesday and I'm getting my progesterone checked tomorrow. No more HCG tests, only ultrasounds now. My doctor is more involved and really set on doing everything we can to get this baby to stick. Hopefully we get good news on Tuesday, I would hate for this to be my last week pregnant. Prayers, good thoughts, chants, spells and anything else you have or believe in is really needed. Thank you guys for your love and support.
About me
- Meghann Roper
- I am a part time photographer, full time mommy & Airman. When I am not serving my country I enjoy photographing the world around me. I am just getting started but I have so much support and love I know I can take this anywhere. If you are in my area & would like me to take your family's photo please email or call me anytime!! or call at 302-465-6199
Katie's Quote
Everyday a new & true saying from the KateKate herself
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My Tools

I use a Canon Rebel Xsi with a 28-135 Macro Lense