Hey guys!! Well today was an intresting day to say the least. I should have known it was going to go badly with how I went to bed and woke up. The night before I had been up until 0030 with the puppies because they were so full of energy and their cage full of poop, can it get more fun than that? Well because of that I decided to let Chachi take care of Kate the next day, whether that meant him taking her to school or keeping her home for the day. So I started my day out without Kate and even though I got an extra hour of sleep, it was a boring ride into work. Usually we sing Beatles songs all the way in or Styx depending on her mood lol. Today it was silence.
I get to work and decide to call the wonderful people that call themselves my doctors and to see what they think of my HCG results. I am only 5 weeks and they are already 17000 and more than doubling every 2 days which can mean a lot of bad things. Anyway they think that I am on the same path that I was with my last lost which was 3 months ago and resulted in a D&E. So they sent me in today for an ultrasound which I knew it was going to be too soon to see much but at least they could rule out a couple things. We went in and all they could see was a yolk sac which ruled out molar pregnancy and even a blighted ovum, but we still don't know if the baby will form all we can do is pray. I should go back in at the beginning of next week. Do you know how long this week is going to be?? On the upside every person I work with has been more than understanding and supportive, I really feel like we have that old time POL family going on here.
I am blessed that I have an amazing support system of friends, you just look at those on my Facebook alone that surround me with positive outlooks and moral support. I don't know what I would do without them. My family is amazing too, my husband has taken on a lot of the duties that I usually do to relieve me of extra work. He can't help all the time due to his 12 hour night shift schedule but he has been trying a lot more lately which really helps, today alone I have not had to do much of anything. My mom keeps me going with support & laughter the only way our family knows how to keep going, if there is no laughter your doing it wrong...which usually creates the joke. Anyway my biggest help of all is of course KateKate. Oh my God where would I be without that little girl? I have to keep reminding myself that some people aren't as lucky as I am, they have never been blessed with any children no matter how long they have been trying or what extra medical procedures they have gone through. I at least have her, my miracle. Even on her worst days, which are few and far between she is the most amazing little girl who constantly gives me reasons to smile!
Well that is it for right now and pretty much my day so far. My only plans for tonight are to cuddle up in bed and watch the awesome Monday night line up on CBS, YAY for How I Met Your Mother!!!!! hahah okay I'm off now, thank you for reading and thank you for the support. I love you guys.
About me
- Meghann Roper
- I am a part time photographer, full time mommy & Airman. When I am not serving my country I enjoy photographing the world around me. I am just getting started but I have so much support and love I know I can take this anywhere. If you are in my area & would like me to take your family's photo please email or call me anytime!! Meghann51@yahoo.com or call at 302-465-6199
Katie's Quote
Everyday a new & true saying from the KateKate herself
- Daily Events (8)
- Update (1)
My Tools

I use a Canon Rebel Xsi with a 28-135 Macro Lense
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