Go Your Own Way

The Candy Dish

I have this dish on my desk and usually fill it up with candy daily but once I open a bag it is gone before the day is out, so I decided to fill it with something else as a little experiment. Well it went even faster! Oh well they are cheaper....

Today was a productive day at work; projects that I had weeks to do I wrapped up in hours & the day went at a very nice pace even though I didn't get home until 5pm. Chachi & I had a wonderful morning together and an even better lunch. The puppies are doing great. We have one out of the kennel at at time, switching them at lunch.

Speaking of my animals, most days I feel like Noah himself for everywhere I go I am followed by a line of animals. Neko is usually right on me with Lucy & Aeva in toe. Wally keeps his eye on me but distances himself from the puppies. I do not know what it is like to go to the bathroom alone in this house anymore, if I don't have a cat or a puppy in there, I have a little girl asking me 100 questions a second! But I wouldn't have this any other way, I love them all, they really complete my family.

Ryan is kicking more and more & is super active throughout the day (hope he stays on this schedule!). The braxton hicks have started which are really annoying, I never really had them with the KateKate. I cannot wait to see him again on Friday!

Tonight I made homemade spaghetti which is a favorite in this house! It was so nice to sit at an actual table & have a family dinner. Katie talked our ear off & tried to show us her buns during dinner, we actually had to say, no butts at the dinner table.

Well that was our day, hope all is well out there in the world! Here is your Katie quote of the day, "Chachi your hair is so stylish!"


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