It was so nice to just get out today & go shopping. I don't do it very often as I hate crowds but going early in the morning on a weekday, the mall is quite nice. Even got a little work out with the mall walkers! Plus it satisfied the Aunt Annies craving I have been having for a long time!!
So today was an ultrasound to see Ryan & we have a couple of updates. First of all we had to wait to get in there for over an hour but it all became worth it when we recieved these amazing FREE 3d pictures of the most adorable little boy ever!! I cannot believe how cute he is! We will post those pictures to Facebook soon.
Anyway there were some concerns, I have slightly elevated fluid levels, but we have no idea why. I took the glucose test today so until I get those results I wont know if that is the reason why. Also the mass is the same but it has also developed its own sack of fluid. They still dont know what it is. They offered me and amnio but I declined. He is doing just fine and until it shows real cause for it I wont do it, it is too big of a risk. They are now just worried about preterm labor with the extra fluid so I will be going in even more often for observation. Other than that, he is beautiful, healthy & very active!!
I will not be able to post a blog tomorrow but you all know why. I am up in Pennsylvania right now & going to go enjoy my busy anniversary weekend with the love of my life!!
Katie's quote of the day:
"I like our circle table, it's like a shape"
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