Over & Over

Puppy Approved!
If you have or are even thinking about getting a puppy, you need this device! It will get out any & all pet stains, plus it aids in normal kid stains too! I got mine on Amazon & I highly suggest everyone getting one. I would probably go insane without it.

We arrived home from the concert at 0200 & went straight to bed! Chachi woke up & went to work around 0600 & I rose at 0700. My morning is not what you would have called nice; Aeva ate a lot of her cast off & it was scattered throughout the house, which jammed my vacuum, then she refused to go to the bathroom, I had to spot bot like 5 spots just from when we were gone Friday night even though we had someone coming over to let them out, I left my keys & wallet in Chachi's truck which was at work & the computer didn't want to work with me today. Luckily my husband & I compliment each other so well, when one of us is stressed the other stays calm, which he did. He also improved my mood so much just by being him! I'm a lucky girl.

After all of that I had to go get Katie from Pennsylvania & bring her back to Delaware. I made better time than usual even though I still hate every other driver on the road. Left at 1100 & returned at 1730 with dinner...impressive. During the trip the Jetta surpassed 100,000 miles, which is pretty impressive since she is a 2001. I am sure the next 100k will pop up in no time. I visited with my mom for a little while, where Katie entertained us & a balloon was murdered...all & all a good time.

Now I am home, going to relax & enjoy my family. I feel so blessed that I have the life that I do. I never imagined I would be in this place, owner of a beautiful home, mother to awesome children, wife of an amazing man but still an independent woman that is ready to take on anything! I have seen so much, done so much & have so much more ahead of me!! Yeah I am turning 31 in two weeks, I'm pep talking myself!

Lots of love from the Roper House, Here is your Katie quote of the day (& trust me there were many to choose from today but this one won out)

"My panties smell like Nana"


Jenn said...

LOL@ her quote of the day! She is one silly kid.

Glad your day turned out good after a crap-filled morning!

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