Highway to Hell


Today we bought Mario cart for the Wii because Katie loves it on the DS. She is not very good at it but loves to play it anyway...and thinks she is better than she is.

Today was a good day even though I didn't get to sleep in again. Once Katie woke up we made a picnic lunch to take to the park. First we made a trip to Best Buy to get a few things but then headed to the park. It was overcast and kind of chili but still nice. Katie was so set on having that picnic no matter how cold it was. She kept saying, "This is the best picnic ever!" After the picnic we took a walk around the park where I took some of the best pictures I have ever taken. I cannot wait until its really nice outside to get some better ones. She rode her scooter around and then played at the park for a bit until it was just too cold and we wanted to go home.

Once we got home Lesleigh came over to keep Katie company so I could get some study time in which was really nice!! After that Katie and I just hung around until Chachi came home. He studied some more Japanese tonight and Katie "played" along with him while I made this tasty Thai Sweet Chili Pork over Fried Rice and Veggies for dinner! I love making new things! Then Chachi & Katie settled down to play some Mario Kart on the Wii and now it is time for a tubby!! Wonder what color she will pick tonight.

Katie's quote of the day:

"I'm Spicy"


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