What's New Pussycat


Playful Kitten
All day today while I was trying to study I was in some way being attacked, loved or distracted by this little kitten. She would not leave me alone or stay out of trouble today, and I thought it would be a still house with Katie at the sitters.

Today was another great day. I accomplished a lot study wise and was able to get a decent (pregnant) nights sleep. Katie went to Lesleigh's for the day so I could study, but then Chachi was able to get off early and spend a good part of the day with me which is always a bonus.

We had a doctor's appointment today, and for the next 6 weeks we will be going every 2 weeks. I am measuring right on and everything looks good, but Friday will be the real determination at where we are sitting, we have an ultrasound. My blood pressure is good, and all my tests are great so there is no reason to think anything will be out of the ordinary on Friday.

Tonight itself was lovely. We ate leftovers and played operation while just goofing off as a family. It doesn't really get any better than that. I hope you all had as wonderful of a day as I did!!

Katie's quote of the day:
"Touch your Oppai (boob in Japanese), it's fun"
(we are going through the what is appropriate and what is not stage right now...)


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