Katie loves to help me cook & I really enjoy doing it with her. It teaches her how to follow instructions and creativity. I hope that she enjoys it just as much as I do. I had a hard time trying to find a picture for today because it was such a disappointing day but when you come home to a child like this and a husband like mine, it all goes away and seems like a pretty decent day!
Yet another sucky day that my family saved. I am trying my hardest to keep my head up and work hard through the comments thrown about but it gets harder everyday. It's even harder when your pregnant and have a hard time hiding your emotions. I am currently doing my job and other people's jobs, which I don't mind, it keeps me busy and productive but I am tired of it going unnoticed. No, I don't care if it goes unnoticed but I hate that they concentrate on what hasn't been completed and ignoring the 1000 things that have been. I prioritize the best I can, what one person thinks needs to be done now, another doesn't and even if I get two important things done, another one pops up that just happened to be more important. I try to accomplish my work the best way, I am a multi-tasker, a professional one at that but these people make me doubt my abilities.
In this world run by E-mails and non face to face contact I try so hard not to do that. I physically track someone down for answers because that is the quickest way to get a response, but today it was seen as all I do is bullshit all day long. I was asked to complete a project today, which I had done in about 45 minutes and once done I went to see the person who requested it. We sat down to review it but our slow government computers were taking awhile to load the data, so of course during that time we talked a bit about non work related things. That was portrayed as wasting time and not working. Granted I was in the office of a MSgt doing actual work but this is the shit I get everyday!
I'm done ranting on that, it is a waste of my time. I will continue to try because that is the kind of person I am, the kind of person I was raised to be. Do your best, know you did your best and the rest is out of your hands. I will refuse to get them to get me to quit! I just have to find a way to release the stress and frustration because it can't be good for Ryan. I just hope there are some people retiring real soon.
Now I need to go because we have a "surprise" recall tomorrow morning, fun! I love going to work at 0500 and missing out on my morning routine with my family!
Katie's quote of the day:
"I like yucky things"
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