Mail Time
Every day when we get home Katie needs to check the mail. Even if Chachi gets home before us he will leave some in there just for her to get. It is a new experience having a mailbox by our house, it has always been miles away from where we actually lived.
Today was an ordinary day. Work was going good, I finished a few projects & even got some praise for some of the work I accomplished. Chachi came by my work to have lunch with me today, which I always love!! Ryan was super active all day, well until his daddy came by. He kicked him once & then stopped. After lunch I started to feel really bad, sick even but it has pretty much since passed, now I am just overly tired.
The rumors are flying around base that everyone is getting deployed and that they can expect to be shipped out anywhere from next week or a month from now. No one has said anything for sure yet but it just keeps feeling more and more like Justin is going to leave us soon, miss his son being born & miss seeing his kids. But we just pray, wait and see.
I got my glucose results back, passed with flying colors, perfect even. So that does not explain the extra amnotic fluid. I will just have to wait and see where we are on the 12th of March which is the next ultrasound.
My phone is getting worn out & I haven't even had it a year. Their is a piece that is broken on it, but it still works it is just really annoying. So I called the company because I have insurance on it, which I was so happy I had!! Nope, I am canceling that service. It is like $5 a month and just found out today there is a $130 deductable!!! That is freaking insane. So my friend had my same phone, the sidekick, for a month & then turned it off. He offered me his phone for $80 bucks. Screw you T-mobile & your insurance!!
We think we finally sold the gold car after so many people have been interested but no one follows through, so that is good. I will be happy to have it out of our driveway. That cheaper vet bill I was excited about yesterday just went out the window. Aeva's paw started to swell so she had to go back into the vet tonight (Chachi is with her there now) so who only knows how much this bill will be.
With the busy day we might not be able to have dinner all together, but there is always tomorrow. Just as long as we enjoy the time we do have together to the fullest I am one happy lady!!
Hope all of you are doing well & staying happy!! Here is your KateKate quote of the day:
"Aeva looks like a spaceman"
(She has to wear the cone so she won't chew at her cast"