Melt Away
I am so happy the rain has come! It is finally melting down the piles of snow & we can see grass again. There are some parts of the area expecting another 12 inches of snow tomorrow or Thursday but not us, it will continue to rain all week & I couldn't be happier. Spring is on it's way!
Work went super fast today and I had a good day but that is because I made it that way. I kept good company and finished a lot of projects. I have taught myself that if you hold on to things you are only hurting yourself, and why waste the time on stuff you can't fix? I cannot change how people live their lives, I can only live mine!
Aeva had a vet appointment today and it went very well. She is in a soft splint now but still has to go back in two weeks but this appointment only cost 1/4 what the first one did and that was only because I had to get medications for the kitties. Wally is sick for the first time in his life...thanks to Neko but oh well he will survive. It has been kind of nice that he hasn't had a voice the past 3 days, do you know how annoying that meow is at 0530? Shhh, don't tell him that! Good thing he can't read...well. Lucy will continue to kennel train as we let Aeva run free during the day, that is until she pulls a stunt like Lucy did. Lucy just must be going through a huge teething spell because she just tore a 3 foot bone apart in 30 minutes!! She is not ready for run of the house.
Every night we have been having dinner together around the table and I have loved it so much! I want to enjoy it for as long as I can before they put him back on another night shift or deploy him, which we still haven't heard anything about and it is driving me crazy! Katie tells us about her day and keeps us entertained throughout dinner. It is a wonderful family time that I cherish a lot. If you don't do it, I would honestly try because it is worth every minute.
Katie's quote of the day:
"I like your room, it smells like girls. Kaiden's room smells like boys, boys smell yucky"
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