I need to start writting in this more

I have decided to adapt a project that my friend Deb is working on. She is taking a picture a day to sum up the day & it has really inspired me. So in addition to my daily blurps you will get to see some pictures, plus any excuse to take pictures is awesome by me...

The Keys!!

I have not driven my car since LAST Tuesday because of the snow & today I couldn't either because I couldn't find my keys! So we got home & I was just on the verge of freaking out when my husband finds them in his coveralls, why they were in there we will never know but at least I have them. At one point in time I was shaking trash bags just hoping I didn't throw them away...

Today I had an OB appointment & everything is good, Ryan's heartbeat is at 134. We scheduled my c-section officially for the 20th of May & I will be going in at 0730. I will not only be having my baby boy that day but will also be getting "super fixed". That is what my doctor & I are calling it. She said she will tie, then cut & then burn, YAY! She keeps trying to talk me out of it & always starts it out by saying, your only 30. I keep telling her we have 4 kids, 2 girl & 2 boys plus after the 3 losses I couldn't put my heart through that again. I just hope Ryan takes his sweet time growing up!!

While Chachi & I were in the waiting room we went over his name, because I keep second guessing myself, "should it be Ryan?" or "Is that good enough of a name?" which is so weird because I never had any doubts about Kathleen's name. We didn't tell many people this but we were also considering Samuel David, but I really think Ryan is going to stay especially since Katie already calls him baby Ryan. But who knows, maybe what I keep teasing Justin about what will actually happen: We will go to the ultrasound on Friday and his thing would have fallen off & we will have an Adalynn lol. I have yet to see this penis they keep saying he has, they quickly say oh yeah its a boy & move on so my fears are still there that it could end up being a girl. He swears he has seen it...so we will see. I want a boy so I really hope not.

Oh & today we found out we are on standby waiting to hear if Justin will deploy within the next 3 weeks which means he will miss Ryan being born & only get to see Alexis & Kaiden for about 2 weeks while they are here. It's scary but I am pretty sure I can handle it all, i have a wonderful support system but it's the not knowing that is killing me. I am a planner, I need to know!! The other thing is if he escapes this one, he might get tagged in April anyway & honestly I would rather him go now because he would miss the kiddos all together but we have to wait & see. His next projected deployment is over Christmas which sucks that he will miss the holidays with us but its better then him missing his last child being born, he already missed Kaiden's birth. Plus with me being high risk, what if something happens, what if I go on bed rest? just so much to worry me....ugh just tell us already!

I have much more to update on & talk about but want to keep this short (and have something to write about the rest of the week)

I will leave you with a Katie quote of the day: I sent her to clean the playroom & she came back up going, "Mommy I want to play, cleaning is BORING!!!"

Lots of love from the Roper house!!


Krazy Klingers said...

don't get fixed!!!!!!! You make beautiful babies!

Meghann Roper said...

want me to say the same to you lol

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