Picture Perfect
I love taking pictures but anyone that is reading this probably knows me and that fact very well. This past weekend I have gotten some great shots that I am very proud of. I wish I had the resources to take it to the next level but I am happy just producing quality images for those I love. I am looking into a new lens that will help enhance it and then over time hopefully expand that into a little home shop to take pictures for friends & family just to bring in a little extra cash or fund my own photo projects.
I took a break from this for 3 days because I had such a busy weekend but now things have slowed down and I am back on track. My mom came down Thursday night and stayed through Sunday afternoon, which was wonderful. On Friday, the start of my weekend, didn't start out how I had planned. I was in Labor & Delivery because everyone including myself, OB and co-workers thought I was having contractions but alas they were the fake ones. I have never really had Braxton Hicks before and up until Friday the ones that I had developed this time around were painless with just some tightening but these on Friday were painful! With Katie the only contraction I knew were the extreme ones caused by induction. So just to be safe we went in and after they pumped me full of 2 IV bags they went away and I was good to go. I already drink about 12 glasses of water a day and now they want me to up it, forget bed rest, I will be on potty rest.
Saturday was the 2nd anniversary of when I turned 29. It was a wonderful day. I was able to sleep in, and then Katie, mom and I went to go visit our friend Lesleigh followed by a nice lunch. Afterwards we picked up my friend Tiffany so we could go get our nails done. It was so relaxing and fun to have a girls day. Following that we went and picked Katie back up so we could go down to Rehoboth again. I am going to try to take her to the beach as much as I can before the summer season since it's not packed & parking is free! We did a little outlet shopping and got some treats. I only found one thing for Ryan & Kaiden's bedroom but it was still fun. When we got home from the beach Chachi took me out to dinner at the Japanese steakhouse and then we went to go see Alice in Wonderland, which I absolutely loved but unfortunately will probably be my last movie, I am too pregnant.
I am off all week, actually all the way up to the 16th, mainly because they are having an exercise on base but also because I need to study to make the next rank. So today started my study times which went pretty well, I haven't fallen asleep yet which is saying a lot. I really hope I can get this information down and make Technical Sergeant, although some days I don't want to be I know I have to move on to the next level. The rest of today was amazing! Chachi got off of work to spend time with us which made us so happy. I really didn't sleep in that much today since I officially awoke at 0700, but it was still more than I usually get. Katie enjoyed having Chachi home too, they played catch while I got my morning study session in. After that we met Lesleigh for lunch at Chic-fil-a because Katie loves that place, not for the food but for the play place. It was such a beautiful day that afterwards we washed and cleaned out the cars. Katie played outside for a good 3 hours!! Riding her scooter, jeep and playing on the playset in the backyard. She was so dirty, she looked like a real kid. It has been so long since it has been nice to spend that much time outside. I was able to clean out a good portion of the garage as Chachi put the final touches on our vehicles.
Tonight we had homemade Steak & Broccoli Alfredo which was a first time creation for me, and it turned out awesome! I was so proud! Now our night will come to an end with a long tubby for the KateKate and some good Monday night television while putting away laundry for my wonderful husband & I. Overall an amazing couple of days, and I sure this week will be just as fantastic! I am a happy woman!
Katie's quote of the day (I know you have missed it)
"I wish baby Ryan could come out and go to Chic-Fil-A with us, he would have so much fun"