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Study Study Study

That is all I did on this rainy gloomy day. Well I chatted on Facebook a little bit here and there and took scrubs breaks but basically all day I went over the PDG. A lot of it is sticking but the main accomplishment here is I didn't fall asleep reading it once!

This one is going to be super short because I really didn't do anything today. Katie & I didn't wake up until 0900 and then I just plopped myself on the couch after straightening up the house to study. It was so drizzly all day which is a good thing because it kept me focused. Today was my last day studying the PDG, tomorrow I start on job related information.

We grilled tonight, steaks, mash potatoes and corn. It was yummy as always. Tomorrow is my no cook day, yay! I am excited about tomorrow. We get to see Ryan, Chachi and I have the day together just us and then all back together for Pizza night. Some might think my life is boring, but I am loving it that way! We are all really happy.

Katie quote of the day:
"You can come play again, Lucy stopped farting"


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