Fathers & Daughters


Daddy's Music
Every morning when Katie & I leave the house we listen to music and every morning I ask her what she wants to hear. It can range from anything from Styx to Katy Perry or Paramore to The Beatles but some mornings she asks for Daddy's Music. Back when I Mat & I were married and living in Seattle he was in a band called Red X. I ended up getting orders to Japan but he stayed in Washington to pursue the band, but eventually it didn't work out because of certain members. Any way Mat reunited with me in Japan and soon after that there was Katie. She listens to the music & says, "My daddy plays the bass guitar". I think it is so funny that the songs that she likes to listen to & is so proud of, ended and as a result she was here, had that band made it we might not have this beautiful little girl that has more than blessed our lives. Everything truly happens for a reason.

Today was not an ideal day! When your boss is having a bad day and you just happen to walk in on it, it makes for your day to go south quickly too. None of what he was upset about was in fact my fault but I just happened to be there to take it. Oh well that's the way it goes some days, but I didn't let it destroy my mood, I carried on and made it what it was, an ordinary day. I am just trying to ignore all the negativity around that place and focus on what I need to do, and excel. Hopefully it's going as well as I believe it to be going.

Dinner together was simple but good, chicken strips with Mac & Cheese. Katie hates Mac & Cheese so she wanted spaghetti, she has been loving it lately! Ryan has been getting less active lately, I think he is starting to run out of room, but the Braxton Hicks have picked up a lot!! They are super annoying. I don't have another OB appointment until next Monday and my next ultrasound is not until that following Friday. Hopefully things are better, I just want my baby boy to be safe.

Tonight is an exciting night of folding laundry & good television with my man while the wee one takes one of her famous hour long tubbies. I swear she is going to turn into a fish!!
All & all a pretty uneventful day & evening, so a short blurp to say the least. Hope your week started out well & I will see you tomorrow.

Katie's quote of the day:
"I'm married because I'm cute."


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